Ketamine Addiction Rehab Near Houston, TX. Skyward Treatment Center
Ketamine rehab is required to address not only the physical facets of your ketamine abuse but also the psychological ones by delving into the underlying causes of your substance abuse and teaching you methods of coping to avoid relapse – something that is hard to achieve without professional support and guidance. Skyward Treatment Center offers comprehensive, scientific-based treatment tailored to each individual, considering their unique trajectory and life experiences. Continue reading this guide by experts from our Ketamine rehab for more information regarding Ketamine addiction (what it entails and when you need it) and Ketamine rehab (typical Ketamine addiction treatment programs available at our Ketamine rehab).
What is Ketamine, and What Is Ketamine Addiction?
Ketamine is a drug that is also commonly referred to as ‘Vitamin K,’ ‘ket,’ ‘K,’ or ‘Special K.’ The drug’s effects include dissociative anesthesia and hallucinations, often described as ‘out-of-body experiences’ and commonly referred to as the ‘K-hole’ by users. Prolonged abuse of the substance can lead to ketamine addiction as tolerance builds. Ketamine addiction typically follows the same ‘binge-crash’ cycle as cocaine abuse and frequently requires professional addiction therapy.
Do I Need Ketamine Addiction Treatment?
If any of these relate to you, it may indicate that you need to seek professional therapy for ketamine dependency at a Ketamine addiction rehab.
- Being obsessed with ketamine.
- Getting anxious without it.
- Using ketamine daily.
- You no longer want to socialize with individuals who do not use ketamine.
- Experiencing problems at work or school
- Inability to quit taking ketamine
- Unable to reduce ketamine intake
Typical Ketamine Addiction Treatment Programs at Our Ketamine Addiction Rehab
Medically Assisted Ketamine Detox
If necessary, we provide a comprehensive, professionally assisted drug detoxification program for your ketamine addiction. The goal is to eliminate all traces of ketamine from your body while managing withdrawal symptoms. Detox entails:
- A substance-free atmosphere to avoid relapse.
- Controlled medications to manage withdrawal symptoms.
- 24-hour care from skilled professionals who prioritize your safety.
The withdrawal symptoms that you experience during the detox process can vary based on how severe your body has become acquainted with Ketamine.
Ketamine Inpatient Rehab
Long-term ketamine usage has a negative influence on the brain. As a result, it is critical to treat any psychological difficulties that contributed to or were exacerbated by ketamine abuse. Full recovery is achievable, and ketamine addiction is best treated in an inpatient facility.
Inpatient rehabs typically offer a broader range of treatments, enabling the treatment coordinator to tailor the program to the individual needs of each ketamine user. The treatment approach for ketamine abuse is determined by a variety of criteria, including the individual’s age, gender, existing mental health conditions, and extent of drug use.
Typical services included in a residential treatment facility include:
- Medication management
- Biofeedback
- Family therapy
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Holistic therapies
- 12-step programs
- Neurofeedback
- Recreational therapies
Certain types of psychological counseling are particularly useful for treating ketamine addiction. The most promising ones include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which alters negative thinking that impacts behavior.
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which promotes attentive awareness and handling of stress.
Inpatient therapy for drug addiction begins with detoxifying the body and monitoring withdrawal symptoms. Inpatient treatment can take between 28 days and 6 months, based on the seriousness of the addiction and the existence or non-existence of any underlying mental health conditions.
Ketamine Outpatient Rehabilitation
It is considerably easier to stay sober in a safe and monitored inpatient facility. There, someone is separated from their home and peers while surrounded by support and structure. Once discharged from the institution, a recently recovered ketamine addict can find it hard to stay sober.
Outpatient therapy can help to extend the treatment process and enhance recovery. Outpatient programs can also help addicts who are unable to leave their current state of affairs and attend a residential program. Outpatient treatment programs provide fantastic resources to help individuals in early recovery avoid relapsing. By constantly attending support group meetings and seeing a counselor, the newly sober individual can put the tools and techniques they learned in treatment into use almost immediately. Regularly being accountable to a counselor or support group can help prevent relapse.
Skyward Treatment Center understands that overcoming ketamine addiction can be challenging, with cravings possibly returning in months or even years after recovery. As a result, we recognize the importance of aftercare and provide our clients with complimentary aftercare. We also advocate joining groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) to obtain help from people going through similar situations.
Struggling With Ketamine Addiction? Take The First Step Towards Recovery With Skyward Treatment Center In Houston, TX.
If you’re ready to break free from your ketamine addiction for good, we believe a Ketamine addiction rehab can serve as an initial step for long-term recovery. Do not hesitate to contact Skyward Treatment Center if you have any queries concerning ketamine rehab or ketamine recovery therapy. Our online team of experts will gladly answer any questions or issues you may have.